The “Sette Frati Extra-Virgin Olive Oil” is obtained from a mixture of olives from several different tree varieties. We have the autochthones cultivars Dolce Agogia, the Leccino, the Rigali and the Morello. The drupes are harvested by handpicking and with the help of an engine olive-picker. Olives are milled and the oil packaged in the milling area located on the ground floor of the Abbey. You will always find a bottle of our olive oil on the counter near the cookers of our farmhouse’s two kitchens, and during the olives milling season you can take part in the harvesting, downloading and crushing process of the olives and finally taste freshly squeezed oil. Our oil is one of the products we sell packed together inside of our chests with the mixed vegetables. Upon request, you can also order either our handmade country favors, we make ad hoc for the days you want to remember such as anniversaries or recurring events of your life, or placeholders to set the table on your special days.