In the orchards of the Abbazia Sette Frati farm, you will find all kinds of seasonal vegetables, extra virgin olive oil, saffron and aromatic herbs that you can cook in total autonomy in the kitchen of your apartment in Sette Frati or in the Great Recreation Hall.

In the Garden

In our garden we do not grow only vegetables of all kinds, but also fruit trees, flowers and asparagus. All of its produce and fruits can be collected and cooked by the guests of the farmhouse by themselves both in the kitchen of the Great Recreation Hall and in the Sette Frati’s apartment. This is…

The Lavender from the Garden of Memories

A hedge of lavender and Rosemary surrounds the perimeter of the memorial garden. In the period of full inflorescence, the lavender is pruned, collected in small bunches and hung upside down in a cool and well-ventilated environment. There it stays till it is totally dried, after which it is shelled and the grain stored on…

Sette Frati Extra Virgin Olive Oil

The “Sette Frati Extra-Virgin Olive Oil” is obtained from a mixture of olives from several different tree varieties. We have the autochthones cultivars Dolce Agogia, the Leccino, the Rigali and the Morello. The drupes are harvested by handpicking and with the help of an engine olive-picker. Olives are milled and the oil packaged in the…


We have grown Saffron Crocus since 2008 on a small strip of land, close to the gardens. Every October, the flowers bloom coloring the coming winter, and every morning, hundreds of lilac-colored tufts dye the land, amidst the green grass. We harvest the flowers in wicker baskets at the first light of day, and meticulously…

Ornamental Pumpkins – Pumpkin Lamps

The ornamental gourds I grow are of the Vine plant of Lagenaria, calabash bottle gourds, and have decorative and functional purposes. I grow two varieties of them: the first is the “trattoria”, which has a decanter bottle form; the second is called a “fiasco”, because of its form of a flask. In ancient times, these…